Unconventional Journey: Walk the extra mile

Rani Koser Firdous
4 min readSep 22, 2023

“Always go the extra mile. If you can’t run it, walk it!” — Bobby Compton

A coincidental scroll through my LinkedIn feed unveiled an opportunity that seemed tailor-made for me—the English teacher position at Pak-Turk Maarif School in Islamabad, H8 campus. My journey to this pivotal moment was far from ordinary, brimming with surprises and challenges. What sets it apart? Well, for starters, I lacked the formal teaching education that most applicants boasted, and in spite of that, I chose the road not taken.

Exploring the Door to Opportunity

Values and enlightenment

One ordinary day, September 19, 2023, as I casually perused my LinkedIn feed, a post from a former colleague caught my eye. It was an electrifying job opening at Pak-Turk Maarif School, and it felt like destiny had whispered in my ear. Teaching secondary school students in English had always ignited a passionate fire within me, even though I didn’t have the typical teaching background.

Dancing with Butterflies

Submitting my application was far from a casual click of a button. This was no ordinary interview; it was my first face-to-face job interview. At 10 a.m., I booked the cab and embarked on the journey. The fear of rejection loomed large, heightened by the stark reality that I lacked the formal teaching education that many of the other candidates possessed. Doubts crept in, but the burning desire to make a difference kept me forging ahead. I got to the campus in fifteen minutes, and my heartbeat increased. It was my first physical job quest, and when I got there, the gatekeeper gently let me in, but something shocking was awaiting me ahead. I went in and asked for the principal’s office from the receptionist, and she started her interrogation and said, Our interviews have been closed, and yesterday was the deadline. My heart started sinking right there. I somehow pulled myself together and requested that she let me meet the principal, but unfortunately, she was out of the station. Shock after shock...

Life’s Lessons

Road Not Taken

At first, I was embarrassed and couldn't believe how such a big institution could not mention the deadline. This whirlwind journey taught me that sometimes the path less traveled leads to the most extraordinary destinations. Despite my lack of formal teaching education, I possessed an unwavering passion for education, and a deep desire to inspire young minds made me step out of my comfort zone. I was very passionate about the school’s mission and unconventional system of education.

Conquering Hurdles: Aesthetic Triumphs

Crafting a resume and cover letter that would shine brightly, even in the absence of formal teaching education, proved to be a significant challenge. I dove headfirst into research, sought wisdom from experienced mentors, and sharpened my teaching skills to be as prepared as I could be. Despite the closure, I mailed my resume and cover letter to the principal. As I nervously await their response, my journey doesn’t stop. If the golden opportunity for an interview arises again, I am determined to exhibit my genuine enthusiasm for the art of teaching.

Approaching the Crescendo: An Aesthetic Odyssey

My journey has taught me a vital lesson: passion and dedication can make you break the boundaries and step out of your comfort zone. Even if it humiliates you or you face setbacks, it is worth it. Besides, I learned to never allow your unconventional path to deter you from chasing your dreams. Believe in your abilities, stay true to your goals, and let your enthusiasm shine through. Applying for the English teacher position at Pak-Turk Maarif School has been an exhilarating journey, brimming with highs and lows. It etched in my heart the importance of unwavering commitment to one’s passions and pursuit of opportunities. I eagerly anticipate the outcome of my first visit for a job interview at an international school, as well as mailing them my documents. I stand on the precipice of an exciting adventure. I implore everyone to embrace their unique paths; often, it’s those unconventional journeys that lead to the most extraordinary opportunities.

