Rani Koser Firdous
2 min readAug 13, 2022

My Dear,

You’ve expressed your thoughts and feelings in the rawness of the moment, and that’s a powerful way to communicate. Life has unfolded before you at a young age, my dear, exposing you to much.

I long for the old you, the girl with dreams in her eyes and no burdens weighing her down. Remember how carefree you used to be? However, life resists standing still; it marches onward, changing with each step, albeit in unpredictable and haphazard ways. Over time, it becomes a delicate dance of compromises. I still hold the memory of the year when happiness radiated from you genuinely, and since then, it seems that true joy has eluded you. I recognize that you, just like me, yearn for the version of yourself that was untouched by sorrow. I’ve come to understand that you never deserved any pain or tears, but whatever has occurred, it transpired for a purpose. All things are destined to unfold, and in due time, they pass as well.

Your tears invaluable, teach them loyalty. They are not meant to shed for everyone

My Dearest, I embrace you fully, flaws and all, knowing that you possess the strength to rise above your mistakes and imperfections. You have the power to shield yourself from negativity and refuse its entry into your being. I have unwavering faith in you. I can envision the day, not too far off, when you embody the very best version of yourself—a woman adorned with virtue, dignity, and grace. Your radiance cannot be dimmed, for you are a shimmering reflection of light. You were born to be resilient, not fragile. You are deserving of more than what you’ve encountered. A new chapter awaits, brimming with opportunities and love, ready to embrace you.

It is perfectly okay to experience pain. It is natural to grieve over a person or a failure. Grant yourself permission to feel these emotions; there is no shame in it. What truly matters in life is embracing yourself for who you are, striving to embody virtue, and ensuring that each day brings a distinction and improvement from the previous. You are under no obligation to prove yourself to others. Their opinions hold no significance. The only person who truly matters is you. You are worthy, and your mental well-being is invaluable.

Dearest, embrace yourself wholeheartedly, showering love upon your being, and become your own guardian. In due time, you will make a profound impact, and that is where the true significance lies. Remember, you do not require anyone else’s love to validate your worth. You have me by your side, and most importantly, you have yourself. Nothing in life is permanent, and no pain lasts forever. Have faith in your abilities, my darling, and take the steps that will draw only the right people towards you. Believe in yourself, for you possess the power to create a brighter future.