5 Acts Of Kindness

Rani Koser Firdous
5 min readAug 10, 2023


“A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees.” Amelia Earhart

Embracing the Power of Selfless Acts: Unleashing Inner Peace and Boundless Satisfaction Amidst Turbulent Times, Kindness Becomes an Oasis for the Soul.

I spent time with my beloved grandfather, who has since passed away.

Morning Surprise: A Joyful Call to Mom and Dad

Last night, amidst my exhaustion from a long day of work and commitments, I found myself gazing at the ceiling and pondering a profound question: What is the most valuable possession I possess? At that moment, the answer became clear: my parents. Despite the heavy workload and fatigue, I make it a point to connect with them daily, sharing my silly jokes to brighten their day. Today, upon awakening, I immediately reached out to them. Initially concerned about the unexpected call, they playfully speculated that I might need financial assistance. Yet, we often fail to recognize and express the significance our parents hold in our lives. We underestimate their importance and neglect to acknowledge that our present circumstances are a result of their immense contributions. Let us cultivate compassion by reaching out to them spontaneously, making them aware of their significance, bringing laughter to their lives, and undertaking meaningful actions on their behalf.

Nurturing Nature’s Creatures

My late grandmother, an inspiring and strong woman, instilled in me the importance of selfless acts of kindness towards animals. Even after her passing, I have carried on her legacy by feeding birds every day. Today, during breakfast at the hostel mess, I noticed a hungry kitten searching for food. Despite others’ fear and attempts to push her away, I saved a portion of my meal and fed her. Although I was hungry myself, I couldn’t resist showing her affection. Animals rely on our compassion because they lack self-sufficiency. It’s a test of our kindness toward them. I strongly condemn harming or mistreating animals. Kindness is a fundamental value that nourishes our souls and fills them with goodness.

Respectful Salutations

I’ve noticed a concerning lack of humanity, values, and respect in today’s society. One simple yet significant act of ethical and moral behaviour is greeting and showing respect to others, particularly our elders. Personally, when I go to the mess for breakfast, I make it a point to warmly greet the uncles working there with a smile and say, “Asalam Alaikum, uncle.” Their enthusiastic response reflects the value my father instilled in me from an early age: to treat every individual with equal respect, never considering anyone inferior. Moreover, he emphasized the importance of acknowledging and appreciating those who diligently fulfill their responsibilities towards others. One of the first acts of kindness I prioritize is greeting these uncles, as we often forget or neglect to show them the respect they deserve. They, along with others who support and serve us, such as cooks and security guards, deserve our kindness and respect. Being kind doesn’t require much time or money; it simply takes a few moments to demonstrate compassion, show a gesture of respect, and bring happiness to their lives.

Thirst-Quenching Kindness: offering water bottle to a Stranger in the Parking Oasis

After a tedious 3-hour German class, I headed to the cafe and noticed a woman sitting in the scorching parking area, patiently awaiting someone. Although I wasn’t certain if she was a mother waiting for her child, she reminded me of my mother. Driven by this connection, I approached her purposefully, carrying a bottle due to my dehydration. Initiating with a greeting felt a bit awkward at first. However, I offered her the water, which she initially declined. Despite her refusal, I persisted, and she eventually accepted the bottle. Her exhausted appearance and sweat made it evident that she was in need.

Our distinctiveness as humans arises from our capacity for self-awareness, empathy, compassion, humility, and kindness. It is crucial to preserve these fundamental values. Kindness, in essence, lies in small gestures rather than in expending excessive energy or resources.

Radiant Rays of Kindness: Illuminating the Frustration of a Weary Librarian!

Today, as always, I went to the library as it is part of my daily routine, but I made the mistake of not noticing whether the locker room was open or not. So, I took my tote bag inside to keep it with the receptionist. The moment I moved towards the reception, one of the staff members stopped me with a strong voice, and it shook me. He yelled at me and asked me to go out with the bag. I noticed he seemed frustrated already. When the librarian appeared frustrated and upset, I did not say a word and smiled, saying, Theek hai hai uncle. In that quick moment, The smile conveyed understanding and support, bringing comfort to the tired person. Without saying anything, I followed him as he said. My silence and that one smile made him flush, but it was a gesture of reminding him that they mattered and were valued. This small act of kindness may seem simple, but it had a big impact. It lifted his spirit as well as mine and showed us how a smile can make someone’s day better.

When you feel a sense of duty to extend kindness and compassion, it brings you a deep sense of inner peace. Moreover, when you perform acts of kindness without any specific agenda or self-interest, it brings an even greater level of satisfaction. Amidst the challenges of living in a tumultuous era, these selfless acts offer a soothing balm to your soul, providing a much-needed sense of relief.

